Parent Information
Summer Camp 2019 Parent Information
First Day:
- Program Enrollment forms must be completed and turned to the staff on or before your first day of camp.
- Please purchase a camp T-shirt if you are attending any days that require them.
- Check the Announcements Board for any important information on the week.
Regular Hours:
- Summer camp hours are from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
- Please call if you think you may be late. (877) 623-2267
- After one freebie, a late fee of $1 per minute may be charged.
Details for each day:
- The Events Calendar on our website has detailed information on each day of camp.
- Please note any “Arrive by” and “Back by” times for trip days.
- Lunch options and what is required for the day are also listed on the website Events Calendar.
Drop Off Procedure:
- Each day, please park your car then walk your children into camp to sign them in. There may be special information we need to share or a permission slip to sign.
- Make sure campers are prepared for the day, with everything they need.
- Please be on time for excursions.
- On some “Center Days” we might be on the fields or in the school. We’ll leave a note on the door. You can also call 877-623-2267.
Pick Up Procedure:
- We will do our best to be on-time when returning from trips. No, you can not charge us a late fee if we miss our mark.
- Your child will only be released to individuals you have authorized and identified to us ahead of time.
- Each day your child will need to be signed out by an authorized adult.
- If there are any custody issues, please inform a director and provide copies of any court documents.
- Please send your child to camp with sunscreen already applied.
- We will reapply sunscreen on all campers as needed.
- If your child requires special lotion due to allergies, please provide us with a bottle.
- Campers must bring a lunch; coolers are great with a frozen water bottle to drink later.
- Please provide your child with healthy choices, so they can sustain their energy level.
- Unless purchase options are listed on the Website Events Calendar, please bring a packed lunch each day.
- On some field trips and there will be opportunities for campers to purchase lunch. At Soak City, Knott’s, and the OC Fair buying lunch is required.
- We will provide campers with an afternoon snack each day.
Tuition and Payments:
- Summer Camp tuition is paid through SVUSD Community Services.
- If you have any billing issues, please refer to your online account or call (949) 768-0981.
Health History:
- For the safety of your child, please inform the staff about any allergies or health issues.
- If your child has a severe allergy (i.e., bees, peanuts), seizures, diabetes, or other medical condition, please inform the camp director and provide any additional information and/or medication.
- A “Request for Medication” form must be completed at check-in for the administration of any medications.
- Medication forms are available at the location, and all medications must be turned in to the camp staff with a corresponding form.
- Each medication (over-the-counter or prescription) must be in its original container!
- Only the person named on the original prescription may be given that medication.
Parent Notification:
- Parents will be notified in the event of illness or injury when deemed appropriate.
- Should camp administration request for a child to be picked up from camp, or another location, parents are expected to do so in a timely manner.
Camp Clothing:
- Appropriate camp wear includes shoes and attire that allows your child to participate safely in the days activities. Swimwear should be appropriate and functional.
- OBE camp shirts must be worn on specified field trip days. Please see Website Events Calendar.
Personal Items:
- Phones are allowed at camp, but we only allow their use at scheduled times.
- We recommend that iPads, computers, and other electronic devices remain at home, as these types of items are not conducive for group interactions….and could be crushed or flushed.
- Outta Bounds Events is not responsible for any personal items that may be lost, stolen, broken or covered in chocolate pudding.
- Campers will get dirty and it is very likely that somewhere along their camping experience, something will get lost. We urge you not to send your camper in clothing, jewelry, etc. that has sentimental or high monetary value.
Camper Expectations:
- Campers are expected to come to camp ready for fun with a positive attitude.
- One of our standing guidelines is for campers to try every activity for at least a few games or a few minutes. We encourage participation and work to create an environment that is emotionally and physically safe.
- Campers may engage in heavy physical exertion due to the nature of our activities. Alternate activities can be provided if necessary.
- Campers of various ages may be together throughout times during the day, so we appreciate parents’ guidance in the dress and language of their preteen and teen campers.
Campers Conduct:
- Campers are expected to behave with respect and courtesy towards one another, our staff, and everyone we interact with at camp (like the people sitting in front of our group at the movies).
- Campers may be sent home for the following:
- Refusal to obey written and unwritten rules or directions of the staff
- Refusal to remain with their group or in a designated area
- Fighting
- Possession or use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or weapons of any kind
- Willful destruction or misuse of camp property or equipment by a camper shall be the responsibility of the parent to repair or replace.
- Camp administration reserves the right to dismiss your child from camp for behavior or conduct deemed detrimental to self, other campers, the staff or program.
Parent Phone Policy:
- Outta Bounds Events staff and campers would like to ask you to put away your cell phones before entering the building. There might be some information we need to convey and we would love to talk to you about the wonderful things your child did. They deserve your full attention during that time.
Contact Us:
- Please feel free to contact directors or staff at any time. (877) 623-2267
- However, the best time to contact us is at the start of the day and at the end. This allows us to be dedicated to our campers throughout the day.
- You can also contact us through email: –